Tuesday, April 23, 2019


with Lina, my dear "sister" 
The heart is always warmed by the greeting of friends.  There is nothing like a hug, a smile, a kiss from someone you have not seen for some time.  There is so much tender exuberance in reunions. 

My return to the holy land is filled with many, many such reunions.  From Mohammed who met us at the airport, to Hussein who I randomly ran into on the street, to long-time friends and colleagues, I have received more kisses and hugs than I can remember.  Being known by so many wonderful people is a gift I don't' ever want to take for granted.

But there have been other sweet reunions on this trip. Nearly half of the pilgrims are from churches in California.  I haven't seen any of them in years.   When each one walks through the customs at the airport, the spark of recognition ignites memories and affection.  

The first wave of pilgrims who arrived in Tel Aviv today!
This has me thinking more about how it must have felt for Peter, Mary, and the other disciples as they encountered the resurrected Jesus for the first time.  The confusion they felt must have quickly morphed in pure joy.  "Is it really you?" they must have exclaimed.  No wonder Mary grabbed Jesus.  She wanted to have a physical connection to ground the emotional reality she was experiencing. If she could touch him, she then knew she wasn't dreaming. 

For those of us who often distance ourselves from God, I wonder if the Divine One has that same sense of joy when we return.  Does Christ feel that intoxicating spark of love when we metaphorically kiss and greet him?  "I've been waiting for you.  Welcome home!" I imagine him saying.  "Come, sit!  Let's catch up."  

I think I have a glimpse of how delightful that reunion must be. 

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